The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10228   Message #69561
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
09-Apr-99 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Five Pounds of Possum
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
One night last summer my dogs were raising a ruckus in the back yard and I came out with a flashlight and saw gray fur and naked tail and thought they had killed a rat. I put on a leather work glove, picked it up, and tossed it into an empty plastic garbage can in my patio. The next afternoon I was going to dump the rat in the regular garbage can but when I lifted the lid, I saw that not only was it a possum, not a rat, but still very much alive, if suffering from heat exhaustion from the sun shining on the can. I put the glove on again, lifted him/her out and put whichever into a box with water and a little dog food. I don't know if it ate or drank anything but when I came back after a while, it was very much revived so I put the glove back on again and picked it up and released it next to the side fence, under which it quickly disappeared. It was just about ocarina size--and if it ever happens again, I promise to hollow it out, dry it, and turn it into an ocarina for you, Paw.