The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46858   Message #696301
Posted By: Marcus Black Wolf
23-Apr-02 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ibanez/Laney poll
Subject: RE: BS: Ibanez/Laney poll
I must say I find that list very rock biased - what no Jazz guitarists? No blues guitarists? No folk guitarists? Perhaps some guitarists could do with broadening their musical tastes a wee bit if that is any indication. I own a Laney Amp myself and I'm 29, I like it, but I don't particularly like Ibanez guitars which I have owned as well. Most of their models have too much of the widdly hard rock vibe about them, I had a RG570 at one stage simply cos I am left-handed and it is one of the more common guitars offered in a left-handed version.