The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23606   Message #696865
Posted By: Áine
23-Apr-02 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: You've Got Some Chords, But...
Subject: RE: You've Got Some Chords, But...
Just thought I'd refresh this old thread to see if anyone would be interested. ;-)

It's been two years since I asked the original question: How do you find the melody in a chord progression? I've written a few more songs since then, and learned a little more music theory. I'm at the point now where I can transpose from one key to another in my head (pretty much), and I've gotten better about finding the melody line in a progression.

Funny thing is, the song I was working on when I posted two years has never been finished -- still no melody. I've tried the 'improv' method, but I haven't found anything that really 'sticks'. But, I still love the chords and riffs I came up with.

So, apart from the original question, here's another one: Should I try and 'deconstruct' the chord progression I've written already, or just forget about it?

All the best, Áine