Good to see this thread again. I was skimming through it and found myself more or less agreeing with one of the posts, and then I checked and it was me writing it. No recollection whatsoever of doing so.
Of course, if I was one of those nameless GUESTs reading an old thread I'd have no way of knowing that I'd written it...
Talking about chords, I was at a Boot Fair on Saturday, and, by some miracle, in a pile of old vinyl records I found a Topic reissue of Woody Guthrie's Bonneville Power Administration set of songs, a couple of which I don't think I'd ever heard before.
But the point is, the record sleeve had this little note to the version of Pastures of Plenty on the record: "Woody plays one chord throughout most of this song. In the movie he favours a minor chord. On this recording he plays a major. The melody is the same in both cases.
I find that kind of thing very encouraging, since I tend to go for using as few chords as I can get away with much of the time.