The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46962   Message #698690
Posted By: Gareth
25-Apr-02 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Stupid things said to you at work
Subject: RE: BS: Stupid things said to you at work
Story - Warrented true !

I was catching claims in the Yacht and Small Craft Department of a London Insurance Brokers one bank holiday friday about 20 years ago.

17.30 hrs approaching and I thought I was going to get away on time to Cannon St. Station.

Phone goes -

the Assured " Help, My Compass is broken !!"

Me preparing to flick through the Card Index " What the name of your boat, and your name ??

He - whatever it was

Me " Yes - What happened ?

" My Wife was climbing down the ladder at Weymouth Quay, and she fell and broke the compass"

" Good God ! - Is she O.K. ?

" No she broke her arm, but if I can't have a new compass I can't sail on this tide !!"

Hmm !!! definatley a man with the proper sence of priorities.
