The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23606   Message #698847
Posted By: Áine
26-Apr-02 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: You've Got Some Chords, But...
Subject: RE: You've Got Some Chords, But...
Thanks everybody!

Kevin -- I hope that's Tilly's song that you're working on -- I hope you'll send it to me soon!

blt -- Thanks, I think I'll try your method out, too. And I've just resuscitated a 19 year old song, although I only kept two or three lines of lyrics and the tune. Amos and I collaborated on it, and I'm hoping that the finished product will be appearing on the Mudcat CD! Just proves the old adage -- NEVER throw anything away!

And dear Michael, your suggestion is kind of a 'mantra' approach, ain't it? ;-) I like it -- I've got another little tune rolling around in my head that I think I could use your method on. Keep tuned, I'll let you know how it goes. And thanks so much for 'chiming in' here ;-)

Well, it sure looks like I've got my work cut out for me. But, how can I miss with all you great 'Cats giving me such great advice!?!

All the best, Áine