The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47021   Message #699492
Posted By: Rick Fielding
27-Apr-02 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: Rick's dilemma..outta touch wit da kids!
Subject: RE: Rick's dilemma..outta touch wit da kids!
Hmmmmm....very interesting so far. Thanks.

I've been doing this kind of work (along with my harmless folksinging thing) for close to thirty five years, and have faced (and succeeded with) some verrry disparate audiences, including prisoners, entirely Gay groups both male and female, some real political hard-asses and even Corporate groups (why THEY wanted 'political music' is another story altogether) and this is the first time I've really been concerned about my approach.

I think it's the fact that the kids are so young (14-17) and have grown up with so much different information than me. Pride is a HUGE value among their group, and much of THEIR music tells them it's not only OK to go to the wall over what I'd consider trivial (a dirty look or a pair of sneakers) but to NOT do so is a sign of weakness.

I'm getting some ideas from things mentioned here, which I'll try and relate in a day or two, but any other thoughts are still appreciated.

