The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47021   Message #700150
Posted By: Rick Fielding
28-Apr-02 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: Rick's dilemma..outta touch wit da kids!
Subject: RE: Rick's dilemma..outta touch wit da kids!
Some really fine suggestions....and I'm ruminating on them. They're definitely going to be a big help.

A couple of things are a bit confusing though....Peter T. said
"You need to sus out if it is a real "alternative school", i.e. street kids, or an artsy "alternative school" -- if it is an artsy alternative school you can do any of your repertoire, they are all children of the upper middle class."

I think my description was pretty plain back in the first post
"The kids I'll be facing at this school have their OWN's angry, in your face, and reflects THEIR experience. Their support circles are the various gangs they belong to, their instrument is the boom box, and their perceived foes are people who all look like me." That sure ain't upper middle class.

Even stranger (to me) is the suggestion made with total anonymity that I was being "PC" about the racial make-up of the kids. This is Canada...generally it ain't a front burner issue. For what it's worth, my guess is the kids will be Caucasian, Oriental, Black and Middle Eastern. Their folks probably come from dozens of countries. If that makes it easier for you to throw out any suggestions Guest, go for it...I'm open.

