The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47021   Message #700157
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Apr-02 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: Rick's dilemma..outta touch wit da kids!
Subject: RE: Rick's dilemma..outta touch wit da kids!
But if all that doesn't work...try this:

Wear a baseball cap with some corporate or team logo on it, and be sure it's on BACKWARDS. Wear an oversized T-shirt with some other logo on it. Wear REALLY baggy pants that are several sizes too large. Wear grundgy, horrible old sneakers. Get a couple of nose rings, earings, eyebrow rings...whatever...enough hardware so you have a truly magnetic personality. Get your hair died flourescent green, red, blue or orange. Swear a lot! Say things like: So I, like, met Pete Seeger, eh, and he's like "Wassup?" and I'm like "Not much, dude..." and he's like, "Got any smokes?" and I'm like "No prob" and so we, like have a smoke, eh, and I'm like, "Hey, is that a Gap jacket?" and he's like "Whaddya think? It ain't a Hilfiger!" and I'm like "Cool!"

This will, like, put them at ease, and then you can, like, slip in some protest'know what I'm, like, sayin'?

- LH