The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46808   Message #700237
Posted By: mooman
29-Apr-02 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Brussels 2002 - nearly there!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Brussels 2002 - nearly there!
Dear Friends,

Slightly off-topic here but of possible interest to some...

As though they knew the EuroGathering was the same weekend, the "European Institutions" are opening their doors to one and all on Saturday 4 May under the banner "Let's get to know each other"!

Quoting more or less from the advertisement in the local English-language "What's On":

"A day of fun and information is planned by:

- the European Parliament
- the European Commission
- the Council
- the Economic and Social Committee; and last but not least
- the Committee of the Regions

"Candidate countries will present themselves, there is a full programme of lively family entertainment AND you can meet and debate with MEPs...doors open at 10 o'clock..."

"The celebration is joined by the enlargement candidate countries so you can experience tomorrow's Europe today. There will be traditional food, wine tastings and (beware musical relevance link coming up here...) folklore..."

"At the Commission, visitors can meet Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin (the only one of them who seems to talk to anybody) and help tell him what to spend his Euro 17 billion research budget on (I can actually help with this part...!), see and collect the new Euro coins (specially arranged for you Andreas...there was no need to worry at all!), learn about enlargement (no jokes please 'Spaw!), watch a ballet from P.A.R.T.S. (I don't know either...) and (wait for it...) visit the Commission's meeting room..."

Best of all our old friend the 95 bus (stop Vander Elst 50 metres from Mooland) will drop you almost outside the European Parliament (stop Gare du Luxembourg)!

If you are a complete philistine and not interested at all in this wonderful extravaganza brought to you at great expense by the European taxpayer, Mooland will remain available throughout the day for music, song, nattering, drinking, socializing, joking, legpulling, eating or dossing as the mood takes you.

Best regards


(who does NOT work for any of the European Institutions but, as a good European citizen, felt obliged to pass this valuable information on...)