The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10265   Message #70029
Posted By: Barbara
11-Apr-99 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: Colloquialisms II - for faster loading
Subject: RE: Colloquialisms II - for faster loading
The thingie to hold your hair back, or in a pincurl in US of A is called a bobby pin, but my M'in-law, who hails from Godalming(sp?)in the UK calls them 'curvy grips'. I thought for the longest time she was saying "Kirby grip" and it was a brand name.

Joe, guess my folks who were born and raised in Highland Park(in the middle of Detroit) are relative newcomers compared to your kin, but mine say "Lasher", I'm pretty sure. I WILL double check it.
Where do you suppose "cattywampus" comes from (meaning skewed, or messed up)? Is it related to cattycorner? And is rapscallion related either to skallywag(scamp) or scallion (an onion)? Blessings,
Barbara, taking a break from making tree masks.