The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10161   Message #70091
Posted By: Rick Fielding
12-Apr-99 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: Think Not What Your Mudcat Can Do For You etc
Subject: RE: Think Not What Your Mudcat Can Do For You etc
This community is getting flat out scary! Jeez Roger, two (expletive deleted) days and five of us thought you'd been evicted, two were convinced that you were in prison, nine thought you might be taken in the over-age draft, and at least one was convinced you were terminal and letting us down easy before visiting the Kevorkians for cocktails. It's understandable how Mick got us confused since we (somewhat) share the same body type, but be advised that I'll never leave home again without seeing if there's at least one 'catter in the vicinity of my destination.

Mick, sincerest sympathies. Man, have I been there, and I know what a downer it is. You're right of course. They knew exactly what they were doing, and when to do it. They also knew that speakers and amps are much easier to turn over quickly than instruments. If they are experienced, the stuff will go in a lock-up for 3 to 6 months and then along with a lot of other ripped off equipment will go in a classified ad as "studio closing..great deals on equipment" or "band breaking up......" It's much harder and FAR less profitable for them to use pawn shops these days. To this day I still keep my eye out for an unusual gray oblong hardshell case with my custom Guild 12 in it. Course it's been many years and if I did see it, I'm not sure what I'd do, cause I'm sure whoever owns it now has no idea it was stolen. Oh well, for the audience, it WAS a perfect night. I'll dedicate "jesse James" or "Pretty Boy Floyd" to your band on the radio tomorrow night.