The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46808   Message #701210
Posted By: Letty
30-Apr-02 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Brussels 2002 - nearly there!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Brussels 2002 - nearly there!
Don't act like you've never seen my egg before!
It's red and shiny. :-)
And no, Mudguard, I'll not let it anywhere near the Teletubbies. You know what they're like.
BTW, I'm arriving Friday night by car. Leaving at around 6 PM, so I should arrive ninish. The webmap tells me to go via the Netherlands, then Antwerp. Seems strange. But it might have something to do with awful Belgian roads. Any tips (driving from Bochum, Germany)?

All the best,
(maybe I should bring my Silent Violin, I haven't practised enough...)