The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47112   Message #701550
Posted By: Kim C
30-Apr-02 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Was Jesus a white American?
Subject: RE: BS: Was Jesus a white American?
A Baptist Casserole Joke, as told by a Baptist.

The kindergarten teacher said, "We have many different people in our class of many different religions. So we can all learn about each other, for show and tell tomorrow, I'd like you to bring something that represents your religion."

The next day, all the children lined up for show and tell. Andy was first. "I'm Jewish, and I brought a Star of David to show." So he passed his Star around the classroom, while everyone oohed and aaahed.

Jessica was next. "I'm Catholic, and I brought a rosary." The rosary was passed around so everyone could get a good look.

Next up was Billy Earl. "I'm Baptist, and I brought a casserole."

(any of you who know the time-honored tradition of the Church Basement Covered Dish Supper will get it!)