The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47155   Message #702303
Posted By: GUEST,Helen, on hubby's computer
01-May-02 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: Help: Percussion for a one person act
Subject: RE: Help: Percussion for a one person act
This isn't quite what you are looking for, but Whistle Stop's suggestion reminded me of it and the simple mechanism might be useful.

Years ago I saw two young German people playing Irish music on tin whistles, here in Oz. The man was operating a device with his foot, in time to the music, which had a wooden puppet-like person on it which danced in time to the music. I can't remember if it made a noise intended to go with the music, or whether it just made clacking sounds because of the puppets movements. It looked very effective, and it was based on a very simple pedal board idea.

Once before in a Mudcat thread (a long time ago) when I mentioned this device someone else gave it a name. I've forgotten what it was called.
