The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47144   Message #702631
Posted By: Nerd
02-May-02 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3
Ralphie (and others who may not have gotten my reference):

"Playing the world's smallest violin" is a gesture made by rubbing together the tips of your thumb and middle finger. It denotes a sarcastic parody of sympathy as in "oh yes, your troubles are SO much worse than the troubles I've got."

Often, while gesturing, the gesturer will say "you know what this is?" When the complainer says "what?" the gesturer answers "it's the world's smallest violin playing for your censored internet messages!"

My point is just that the Bulmer situation is a serious one for many people, including Nic. It's disrespectful to them to turn the discussion of their problems into moaning that "when I criticize Joe Offer My thread gets renamed!"

My final point (and I did have one): Nic and people in his position vis a vis Bulmer are the ones with the real problems, so they deserve to make the "world's smallest violin" gesture.

Sorry to be cryptic!