The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47114   Message #703117
Posted By: SharonA
02-May-02 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner
Subject: Sarcoidosis websites & resources
Troll: Please tell your Memsahib that I'm sorry to hear of her diagnosis of sarcoidosis, but happy to hear that it wasn't a diagnosis of cancer. If either she or you need to talk about it, commiserate, rant or whatever, please PM me (I'll pass along my e-mail address, too, in a PM to you).

Okay, so you want websites? Cool; you may have noticed that I love to post links!!! Here goes...

WebMD is a great place to start – good overview articles and other info. Go here and search for "sarcoidosis" (I got 38 hits):

Here's a site, with a wealthof links, that says it "sorts through sarcoid related web pages to compile what we consider to be the best sources for accurate information":

Also see the homepage of that sarcoidosis site:

A site "hosted by a pulmonologist with a specific interest in sarcoidosis":

Worldwide support group:

World Sarcoidosis Society:

Several articles from various medical institutes and associations are linked from this site:

That'll give you a good start! These and many more sites (about 57.800 in all) came up when I searched on – here is the complete list of Google search results for "sarcoidosis":

Just in case these sites don't cover this point right off the bat, my pulmonologist told me to notify my eye doctor and to have my eyes checked for nodules once a year, so I'd advise your Memsahib to speak to her doctors about this if they haven't mentioned it to her already (that reminds me; I need to make an appointment with the eye doctor, too!).

Please keep in touch and let me know how your lady is doing. Sending out hugs and good thoughts,