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Thread #47128   Message #703855
Posted By: GUEST,mg
03-May-02 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: PEACE in the Middle East (2)
Subject: RE: BS: PEACE in the Middle East (2)
thatis one of the lowest arguments for discrimination that there is..that one group doesn't "feel" like others, and doesn't have a share of morality....I personally have met and have heard on T.V. etc. many compassionate Palestinians/ I think if they are there are on the ground there is undoubtedly great pressure from the same terrorists who are terrorizing Israelis...I don't know why we pressured the Israelis to let Sharon oops Freudian slip I will leave in..Arafat go...I would have kept him under house arrest forever with proper food and water but no communication. I would refuse to deal with him in any matter and insist on a civil government of sanitation and water and housing experts...If I were in the U.N. I would take a good look at what the schools are teaching over there and make it clear what the limits were...I would declare Palestine a fledgling democracy, and set limits as to what would be allowed. I would make sure that all the young Palestinian men and teens were either employed or learning a skilled trade, with perhaps a few in college (and opportunities for the women as well). And I would set limits as to the type of behavior that would be allowed in the checkpoints, and I would have checkers from international groups keeping everyone honest. I have heard of too much brutality and provocation for it all to be lies or do you spell that.. A lot of this is our own foolishness, waiting for peace to spring up from the opponents when that is not likely to happen. We are paying to prop up governments that don't have proper limits and we need to set them. If we don't we probably will die ourselves in a coming war. I served in one war. One is enough. mg