The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47155   Message #704667
Posted By: Tweed
05-May-02 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: Help: Percussion for a one person act
Subject: RE: Help: Percussion for a one person act
Maryrrf,have you ever heard of a Richard Johnston? He plays hill country style blues and is probably the best one man band on the planet. He uses a bass drum, vertical mounted kick-operated snare and a high-hat in addition to either playing a double broomstick-necked diddley bow or his resonator. As Boberdz has said before, "He's busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest", but the effect is extraordinary to see or hear. There's a pic and soundclips of this set-up HERE.

Also, a friend of mine in Indiana became somewhat incensed after watching a film of Son House doing a gig on what looked like a TV studio boat dock. Son kept time with his foot on the boards and Marvin wanted that sound, so he built a mini stage out of cedar boards. It stands about 6" high and is perhaps 3' wide and 4' long (just big enough for yer chair and a mic stand). He cut a sound hole in the front for a mic if needed and varnished the whole thing. There's wheels on one end so that when stood up you can put your guitar, mic stand etc. in the open underside and wheel the works out to the van or whatever. Anyhow it works and sounds great and is completely acoustic. I expect that a person could mebbe make a smaller,flatter version of this with a piezo inside, but you wouldn't be able to use it as an equipment dolly of course;~)

O, here's a pic of Richard in full swing. He was an opening act at the Handy awards last year and some of you may have seen him on PBS when they televised the show.