The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47252   Message #705052
Posted By: Troll
05-May-02 - 11:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
I have learned a lot from these threads; both about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and about myself. I have been forced to check my information; I have learned that some things that I accepted as historical facts were not, and that there were facts in favor of BOTH points of view of which I was not aware.
I look forward to more of the same in days to come.
As far as the humor thing goes, like DougR said, this is a common thing on the Forum. Someone sees something funny and comments on it. Sometimes others pick it up and run with it, and sometimes it dies a lonely single-post death. We are, for the most part, musicians, not political science majors, and know that you have to break the tension at times. I think that it was long overdue on this thread.
In fact the only thread that I can recall that didn't have humerous breaks in it was the 9/11 thread. I think we were all too stunned to make funnies although the Lord knows we could have used some.
So don't worry that we don't take things like the death of innocent non-combatents seriously, mg. We do. We're just not your average couch-potatoe types.
Thats why we're here instead of watching Survivor. Because we're all a little different and we react differently sometimes.
