The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31566   Message #705691
Posted By: GUEST,macca
06-May-02 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Celtic melancholy
Subject: RE: BS: Celtic melancholy
Meanwhile, back with melancholy... I always thought that the biggest single reason for the average Scot (if there is such a thing) suffering (which infers a degree of self-imposed misery.. we're no' happy unless we're greetin') from melancholy is not that Scotland and the weather makes him dour, it's the fact that he has to go to England to get away from it.

In extreme cases he has to go even further, say to the Americas or Down Under or one of the other colonies established by the English out of the goodness of their altruistic hearts purely to alleviate suffering in Scotland....