The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47337   Message #705720
Posted By: Troll
07-May-02 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: Hanoi Jane - any songs?
Subject: RE: Hanoi Jane - any songs?
Fonda was a light-weight; a bubblehead who was used by Ramsey Clark and his friends because she had visibility. She was anti-war because it was chic in Hollywood to be anti-war, it made for great conversation at parties while waiting for the drugs to kick in.
I heard her speak at the University of Florida a couple of years after the Hanoi trip and she was rather pathetic. She rambled about peace and love and in general gave the impression of someone who never had an idea of her own in her life.
I understand that later on she developed a little political savvy, but she certainly had none when I heard her.
I agree with Mick and Steve, it's better to let it go and move on but there are still a lot of men out here who hate her with a passion. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that addresses those feelings:" I'll Forgive Jane Fonda When The Jews Forgive Hitler".
