The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46371   Message #705817
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
07-May-02 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Waaaah! I need to rant!
Subject: RE: BS: Waaaah! I need to rant!
Remember Hesp, no problem can be solved if you don't first, face it, second, admit it and third, want to resolve it. The path forward quite often involves some stepping backward. When you meet an obstacle, don't sit down and start swearing at it, but back up until you get to a place where the obstacle isn't a problem, and see if there is another path around it. One day, you'll look back and the obstacle is actually a big rock in your path that you can rest your back against. You got past it once, you've got the strength and courage to do it again. Now all I need is the conviction to follow my own advice - physician, heal thyself!!

Take care with the allergies - smog season is starting here in the good ol' UK, so I can sympathise. Hope you are feeling better soon.