The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47252   Message #705992
Posted By: Troll
07-May-02 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
Carol, people like Schoenman and masters at research. They utilize ONLY those portions of genuine documents that will aid their position and ignore the rest. Unless you go to the origional doc. and read all of it, you'll never know that you were, in essense, lied to.
A good example of this exists in the works of the Holocaust revisionists.There are around 5,000 documents (according to Skeptic) which seem to support the claim that (a) the Holocaust never happened, (b) it happened but was nowhere near as large as has been made out, or (c) the Zionists conspired with the Nazis to make it happen. There are other variations as well.
There are literally MILLIONS of documents that support the claim that the Holocaust DID happen, but if all you read is "The Hidden History Of Zionism" you'll never find out about them.
Regarding Schoenmans article which you linked us to, I noticed that he would talk about several actions where he quoted purported observers and then tell about something with no doc. and then back to the documented(?) actions. A case in point is the story about the two Arab kids being thrown from a helicopter. Zip doc.
In several articles that I read about Schoenman, people said that he would play fast and loose with the facts if he wanted to prove a point or defend a position. I could go on but you get the picture. He is not the most reliable of sources although he is an interesting writer.
