The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47385   Message #706449
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
07-May-02 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: Atheist Hymnal
Subject: RE: BS: Atheist Hymnal
Dear Ebbie: Nah!, I didn't express myself clearly. I should have directed my comments to guest. I get confused when other people respond to a previous message and don't make it clear who they're responding to. The person just before them tends to think it's them. I read your comment as you made it... to the Guest saying that I wasn't trolling. I also didn't think that WYSIWYG was trying to pick a fight. Another Sheesh!!! I don't find anything about this thread offensive. It's just that when a word has one commonly accepted meaning, and you use it to mean something very different, I think that it causes confusion. And I was wondering why Guest chose to ask for songs for an Atheist Hymnal. Just asking...

I can think of a lot of positive songs that have nothing to do with God. (Funny, I always associate You'll Never Walk Alone as very much an implied relationship with God.) I could add (Guest) I Got Plenty Of Nothing, which I've always loved, especially by the Tokens. Or how about Zippidee Doo Dah?

Talking about confusing titles, I did a workshop at a folk festival once titled Love Without Romance. What I meant was songs about love that weren't in the boy/girl, June/spoon style. Like Old Blue (a song that obviously is based on a man's love for his dog.) Most people thought I meant Motel Love, or contemporary "love." Kleenex love. Dispose after using.

It only goes to show. Atheists can be as touchy as Christians. :-)

I enjoy your posts, Ebbie..
