The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10315   Message #70652
Posted By: Colin The Whistler (inactive)
13-Apr-99 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: Show off tunes
Subject: RE: Show off tunes
Look guys..and anybody else who tunes in...You don't need show off tunes..The problem with such tunes is that when somebody picks up an insturument for the first time , they'll fiddle and bugger about for a month or two and then try to play them. A Show Off tune is only good in the hands of a good player..Normally they are fairly easy tunes anyway !!' The Wind That Shakes The Barley' on the Whistle, McLeods, Farewell to Erin..(Sorry for concentating on the whislte) every instrument has it's own...Did novice player's suss these tunes out or did good player's suss these out..I argue the latter. But then if your a good player you don't need them !!! (except when your drunk, still on your feet and winning on points and your trying to pass yourself)..

They are good for session work when good people are playing with a mix of talent and also good for novices to get a feel of ornamentation, again, when you or mucking about in the spare room, but if your spend your time learning 'show piece tunes' you'll not get the musical maturity thats required of a good player...You'll not get one tenth of the way of playing the thing right and because a couple of non-belivers calp, you run the risk off getting big headed and then snowballing down a slippery slope.

Pete..good thread..Jesus my heads light after that.!!!

Does anybody know any good jokes about Banjo's or have I seen that thread somewere before

The only Joke I can tell you is that you probally wont here to much more from me when I get my next Phone Bill

Thanks & Slainte Colin Ballygally