The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47294   Message #706723
Posted By: Fibula Mattock
08-May-02 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Embarrassing moments...
Subject: RE: BS: Embarrassing moments...
Blimey, there's some classic moments there and I think fogie tops it on the cringe stakes.
The best I can offer is the time (about 10 years ago) when the extra padding on my wonderbra fell out when I was brushing the floor of the restaurant where I worked... yes, people noticed. I was about 16 or 17 years old and quite mortified. Now I no longer own a wonderbra, such is the level of maturity I think I've reached. By the way, I believe they're called wonderbras because you wonder where all the cleavage has gone when they're taken off.

I do recall one other cringey time when I was with my first serious boyfriend. He still lived at home with his (very liberal) mother. I went to visit him one day and found him asleep in the spare room, so I crawled in beside him. Twenty minutes later his mother walked in, didn't bat an eyelid, but proceeded to put a pile of clothes in the airing cupboard while saying "oh, hello dear, don't stop on my account". I don't even think we were up to much, but that made it even worse - I was so embarrassed that she thought we were.

And that triggers my last one. At my parent's 25th wedding anniversary they were having a lot of guests to stay. I was at uni at the time, but was coming home for it with my then-boyfriend. Usually he was banished to the spare room, but I knew that that night it would be used for other guests, so I wondered what the sleeping arrangements would be. I asked my mother where he would sleep, and she told me he would have my bed. I asked her where I would sleep, and she replied "you can sleep there too - I've discussed it with your father and we've agreed it's fine provided we don't hear you humping". Cue me, redfaced, placing pillows down the middle of the bed and lying so far over to the edge my bloke couldn't have reached me if he'd tried. (Not that it would have mattered - he was dead drunk anyway by the time we got to bed.) From that day on, boyfriends were permitted to stay in my room when we visited my parents.