The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47252   Message #707109
Posted By: Mr Happy
08-May-02 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
my [perh. simplistic] understanding of the reasons underlying the horrors in palestine/israel is that after ww2 ended the allies? needed somewhere to put displaced persons of the jewish faith who'd been victims of ethnic cleansing by the nazis.

after some areas had been assessed for suitability [parts of s.america + australia], they settled on palestine as it's one of the areas mentioned in the bible as being 'the promised land'

it doesn't seem to have been taken into consideration that this territory had been lived in [i don't say occupied] by arab people, of predominantly islam faith.

but the region had been under occupation by members of the allies? [british]

it was therefore less difficult to further disenfranchise a nation/a cultural group/ a religious community who already had been rendered substantially powerless, and introduce yet another alien regime, the 'israelis'

don't make a mistake about where i'm coming from, i deplore racism in all its subtle and devious forms.

however, it remains that the jewish dps were an embarrassment to the allies? [i'm putting a ? here because i don't believe they were ever friends, but a political compromise- so what's new?]so to light upon a territory where the existing inhabitants would be a pushover was a god?/allah/ send

its a fact that the palestine arabs don't/ and haven't had a self determination homeland for over 50 years

therefore its no wonder that they felt/feel resentment + bitterness + want to try to do something about it

on the other side, the 'israelis' [i put this name in '' because even though they've been occupying this territory fo a long time, it wasn't their land, and for anyone to move into a new area and say its ours without a proper war or negotiation is all wrong]

on the other side, the 'israelis' clearly are being murdered by 'terrorists/freedom fighters' and palestinians clearly are being murdered more in return

please 'king of the world' whichever person is president of usa do something NOW!!

and stop the murder of PEOPLE!!

i want to cry