The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47252   Message #707137
Posted By: Troll
08-May-02 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
"its a fact that the palestine arabs don't/ and haven't had a self determination homeland for over 50 years

therefore its no wonder that they felt/feel resentment + bitterness + want to try to do something about it

on the other side, the 'israelis' [i put this name in '' because even though they've been occupying this territory fo a long time, it wasn't their land, and for anyone to move into a new area and say its ours without a proper war or negotiation is all wrong]"
Happiness, I don't know where you learned history, but I'd suggest that you contact a good lawyer. You may be able to recover some of the money you spent.
There have been both Jews and Arabs in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea for over two thousand years. In all that time, it has always been under the governance of outsiders; Macedonians, Greeks, Romans, Mamluks, Crusaders, Turks, and British. I've left out a few but you get the picture. Even those times when a Jew or Arab was on the throne, they were placed there by some outside agency.
The state of Israel was created by the UN from land ceded to the British after WWI. It was part of the former Ottoman Empire and never existed as a separate country called Palestine.
