The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10315   Message #70715
Posted By: catspaw49
13-Apr-99 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: Show off tunes
Subject: RE: Show off tunes
Ya know Colin, it ain't about buzzes or technical prowess as there is always some better, it's not about who's the greatest os all time or so's about those people in front of you being entertained and happy. I love schoolkids. I try to work a medley of tunes they know that will also showcase an instrument. With kids too you can work up some things so that a small group of their number can all have a chance to "show off" too. Works with adults too. Most of the general public hasn't paid enough attention to the most common instrument let alone the less used ones. Educating them is a bigger thrill than wanging your way thru a tecnically brilliant performance.
