The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9944   Message #70719
Posted By: Banjer
13-Apr-99 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: Banjo Jokes, let the dueling begin....
Subject: RE: Banjo Jokes, let the dueling begin....
Yes!!! Way to go Barbara. It don't take much encouragement to get me started again...

A banjo player and a guitar player both fall at the same time from a balcony in the top of a sky scraper. Which one hit the ground first?

The guitar player - the banjo player will have to stop and retune at least once on the way down!!!

Why did the banjo player walk with his kids to school everyday?
He and the kids were in the same grade...

How can you make a million bucks as a banjo player?
Start with two million!