The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47438 Message #707546
Posted By: GUEST,Bill Kennedy
09-May-02 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Dives and Lazarus-or vice versa(Child 56)
Subject: RE: Help: Dives and Lazarus - or vice versa
what Joe said! except HE is not pronouncing it wrong, all the English Church people are! - I also have had at least 6 years of Latin, Secondary School, College and church Latin at an earlier age, - Cassell's has it pronounced (not spelt) as 'die-ves', and it is sung 'die-vees' and to me it is 'die-vees'. Folk process can make it whatever it wants, Divarus, for example. But foreign words in use in the US, especially for town names, were picked out of books, and are hopelessly mispronounced though correctly so by their inhabitants. Kay Row, Illinois, My Lin, Ohio, (and Burr' Lin, Ohio, which was pronounced correctly at first but the pronunciation of consciously changed at the onset of the First World War, I am told), for example, you all can think of hundreds others, i'm sure