The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47476   Message #707995
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
10-May-02 - 06:02 AM
Thread Name: Favorite Town names
Subject: Favorite Town names
Not all colorful town names have been neutered. Two of my favorites in the Midwest are Purgatory, Minnesota (got it's name because it was so swampy that when settlers were asked how they got to western Minnesota, they said they had to go through purgatory to get there and the name stuck,)and Eden Prairie, Minnesota. My Uncle Harold lived in Eden Prairie. Only a Midwesterner would envision Eden as being on the prairie instead of a garden. Blue Earth, Minnesota sounds kinda pretty, too. Don't know where it got it's name. There's a black Earth in Wisconsin. How about Half Moon, in New York State?

Any favorites?