The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47427   Message #708121
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
10-May-02 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: New baby born on the S-Bar-J
Subject: RE: BS: New baby born on the S-Bar-J
Just a brief update. We took Mom and Son out of the barn this morning. Put them in one of the pens. The little guy couldn't believe the size of the world!! Mom panicked, as usual, and tried to guard all four sides of the pen at once. She finally settled down a bit as Janet was putting fresh straw down in the covered section.

I fed the rest of the crew but there is a lot of excitement going on. Everyone is real curious about the new guy, the mares all want to steal him, and the Geldings were even a bit uppity about the whole deal. Janet is going to get a few more pictures this morning and then take the film in for developing. Anything good we'll post this evening -

Amos - Glad you liked the song/music. I'm not all that pleased with it but after take # 300+ I decided if I didn't send it - well it would never get sent. I'm going to try Cakewalk software - if that works - provided I can figure it out - I'll send an alternate version along for your perusal. I like this recording stuff. It's a butt load of work but I think worth it.

Have a lovely -
Steve and Janet