The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47448   Message #708214
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
10-May-02 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: When She Was Sweet Sixteen (Charlie Poole
Subject: Lyr Add: When she was sweet sixteen
Sweet Sixteen

I had a Jane a long time ago, she was a sugar plum
I loved her well but it's sad to tell, she'd chew her chewing gum
There was no laws to stop her jaws which worked like a machine
What could I do? So I let her chew, when she was sweet sixteen

She chewed all day, chewed all night, that was going some
She hardly stopped to chew her meals, she was so fond of gum
She chewed and chawed, chawed and chewed, and her brand was wintergreen
And while I wooed, this girl she chewed, when she was sweet sixteen

She had a way so cute and gay of sticking gum around
Down on the chairs or on the stairs those wads of gum was found
I often cussed because they mussed my passing plod unseen
I had great luck in getting stuck on this day was sweet sixteen

Some days have passed since I stuck fast to that sweetheart of mine
And now and then you'll find again a wad of gum divine
I had a mat on which I sat and called her my colleen
It's stuck to me and so has she since the day she was sixteen