F.J. Child had this to say on the subject:"The subject could not escape the popular muse: e.g. Socard, Nöels et Cantiques imprimés à Troyes, Histoire de Lazare et du Mauvais Riche, p. 118 ff; 'El mal rico', Milá, Romancerillo, p. 16, No. 16, A-F; 'Lazarus', Des Dülkener Fiedlers Liederbuch, p. 53, No. 63; 'Lazare a bohatec,' Sušil, Moravské Národní Písne;, p. 19, No. 18, Wenzig, Bibliothek Slavischer Poesien, p. 114; Bezsonof, Kalyeki Perekhozhie, I, 43-47, Nos. 19-27.
There is a very beautiful ballad, in which the Madonna takes the place of Lazarus, in Roadside Songs of Tuscany, Francesca Alexander and John Ruskin, 'La Madonna e il Riccone,' p. 82."
These are not relatives, as such, of our Dives and Lazarus, but different songs on the same subject.