The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47385   Message #708371
Posted By: TheBigPinkLad
10-May-02 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: Atheist Hymnal
Subject: RE: Atheist Hymnal
This is PhilA who posted the original message ... I signed up as a bona fide Catter and got me a handle.

I'm not evil, honest. I didn't make the request to wind people up and I'm reading every message. I'm not 'actively participating in the discussion' because as I said right up front I had, and have, no intention of doing so. I'm simply piecing together a list of spritually-moving songs that are not theocentric (if that's a word). I really had not thought about publishing it, but as you have all been so helpful I will post it to my website (or here if it proves not-too-exhaustive). I have a favourite movie list too, and I like the colour blue.