The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47434   Message #708488
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
10-May-02 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: Origin: lyrics to Colonel Bogey
Subject: RE: BS: Col Bogey march question
I suspect that Mizchuck should not worry about singing the bawdy set of lyrics - the kids probably know htem already - and if they don't, it should be a useful history lesson for them ;@)
The version of the Hitler song which I grew up with was slightly different, but not much!
Hitler has only got one ball
The other is locked in Cartwright Hall
His mother, the dirty bugger
Took the other, when Hitler was small!!!
[Cartwright Hall is a local museum/art gallery in a local park]
Strange how the true oral/aural tradition (childrens' dirty songs)tends to localise things, isn't it!
Geoff the Duck!