The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47252   Message #708518
Posted By: CarolC
10-May-02 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part 111
Ok, DougR. I can see now how you would have seen the analogy that you did. My point with the suicide bombers is simply that we say we (Americans) love freedom. That we believe in freedom, and the equality of all people, that we believe in the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". We've enshrined these concepts in our civil religion here in the US.

What I was suggesting with that analogy was that those same concepts live in the hearts of many people. Not just Americans. We, as a people, have said that death is preferable to bondage. I think it's safe to say that we are not the only people who feel this way, and that it is the love of those concepts that drive the actions of the suicide bombers in Israel/Palestine. Is there a better way to gain one's liberty than by killing innocents? Probably. But are we only going to hold the Palestinians responsible for the deaths they have caused and not the Israelis?

Israel is responsible for the deaths of many more innocent Palestinians than Palestinians are for the deaths of innocent Israelis.