The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47504   Message #708732
Posted By: rich-joy
11-May-02 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: donations to Mudcat from overseas
Subject: donations to Mudcat from overseas
There I was (as a relative newcomer) reading that "Mudcat Accounts" thread with ever-widening eyes - and then I realised that it was an old thread that had been refreshed (for whatever reason)!!!
But, it got me thinking.
Like so many others, I get a lot of use and pleasure from Mudcatting (and "waste" a lot of time, my Partner has been known to snipe in less generous moments!!) AND I would, of course, like to contribute, to ensure that this incredible resource stays around.
However, I don't have a credit card and I don't live in the good ole USofA. Now I could send an international bank draft, but I refuse to use those robbing bastards, THE BANKS, any more than is absolutely necessary!!! (and the charge for drafts is extortionate ...)

So I wondered if someone who knows about these things, had ever set up some kind of overseas Mudcat account in the UK, or in Oz (where I reside), where we could send a cheque donation and every once in a while, the balance could be transferred to Mudcat, so only one lot of charging gets done.

Can any other 'Catters advise please, if this is possible / feasible / has been done etc. etc. etc.???
Cheers! R-J