The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24663   Message #708976
Posted By: Joe Offer
11-May-02 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: Can we have some Mudcat accounts?
Subject: RE: Can we have some Mudcat accounts?
Well, actually, I don't think we're interested in becoming that formal an operation. Right now, we have the Digital Tradition, which is Dick's baby; and we have the Mudcat Cafe, which belongs to Max. They are accountable to nobody, and there is no reason why they should be accountable to anybody. The Digital Tradition and the Mudcat Cafe are sole proprietorships. Dick and Max own them. The system of management is somewhat akin to an absolute monarchy or a benevolent dictatorship, although I tend to think our monarchs are quite enlightened.

A number of people have, of their own free will, given money to Max (and a little bit to Dick) to help them with the cost of operation. Others volunteer to help in other ways. Most of these people consider themselves to be friends of Dick and Max, and they do what they do and give what they give because of trust and affection. If we get more formal, we get into a completely different realm - and we open ourselves to a big batch of problems. We can experience the joys of having the DT and Mudcat operated by a committee.

So, I suppose accountability and formal organization are something to consider, but it's up to Dick and Max to decide to relinquish their ownership - and they haven't done that. Most of us like the easy, informal organization we have now.

I made a commitment to Max to give him enough to run Mudcat for a month each year. I send him a check, and he can do what he wants with it. He can spend it on beer, for all I care. Of course, if he shuts Mudcat down, I'll stop sending him money. As long as Mudcat keeps running, I'll keep sending him money. That's fair, isn't it?

At least, I'm satisfied.

-Joe Offer-

The Who's In Charge section of the FAQ gives some information on this matter.