The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24663   Message #708993
Posted By: GUEST,Not the same, one more time
11-May-02 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: Can we have some Mudcat accounts?
Subject: RE: Can we have some Mudcat accounts?
OK--I have double checked the front page now. Here is a cut and paste straight from the horses mouth:

"In an effort to both provide you with Folk and Blues Music resources as well as raise money for the Mudcat, we have added The Mudcat Record Shop. Find recordings and items not available elsewhere or find more common items at even lower prices than the Giant Corporations, all while supporting and enhancing the Mudcat Cafe and Digital Tradition, both registered non-profit organizations."

According to the front page, both Mudcat Cafe and DT are non-profit legal entities. There is a legal requirement for accounting. So the idea that people shouldn't ask for that accounting is pretty outrageous.

So, I guess it is perfectly reasonable for users of the site who wish to make a donation to request of Max/Mudcat/DT where one can get the financial information about the organization.

They should be able to do that without being villified too, IMO.