The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47525   Message #709098
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
11-May-02 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
Subject: RE: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
Guest: You apparently have a point to make. However, you are oblique and rather snide. Having gone to some trouble to look up the status of the Mudcat, hadn't you better say what's on your mind? What would you have the members do? Is it closing the site, perhaps? Maybe you have a site of your own and are trying to kill the competition? It's really rather hard to guess. So, instead of being an anonymous weasel, speak up. There's many of us who would love to find out what, exactly, you're after. Two years have gone by since the initial thread, so whatever it is you want must still be burning a hole in your gut. It's obvious to me, and I am by no means a regular Mudcatter, that all the 'catters are good friends. If a friend wants to help another friend with a small donation, where's the harm? It doesn't appear that Max is doing anything illegal or harmful and is giving a great deal to all the people who congregate on this site. So, Guest, do us all a favour and say what you mean/want or just bugger off. Lion (LEJ's wife)