The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47525   Message #709116
Posted By: GUEST
11-May-02 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
Subject: RE: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
You know folks, I can understand your loyalty and desire to defend the site owners, as all of you feel you are deriving great benefits from this site for free.

But where do you think your hostility towards perfectly reasonable requests about the non-profit status of this website business, which is actively soliciting on-line for donations as a non-profit organization, is going to lead?

The on-line complaint form, easily filed with the Pennsylvania Dept of Charities can be found here, BTW. I suggest if you have complaints you start there:

Your virulent protests at this supposed "snooping around" by me and other guests looking for this information only makes things look more suspicious.

How helpful to Mudcat Cafe and Digital Tradition is that?

Dick, I neglected to thank you for being forthcoming about the status of Digital Tradition so quickly. Since you are incorporated as a non-profit, I'm sure you know and understand the legalities of 990s as public records.

For those of you not familiar with non-profit financial records as public records, you might want to go to the excellent website of Guidestar, which not only explains this, but also has a search engine to thousands of organizations' financial records which are viewable on-line. I expected to find Mudcat Cafe and Digital Tradition there, but didn't. So I asked for the information here.