The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47525   Message #709459
Posted By: GUEST
12-May-02 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
Subject: RE: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
Celtic Soul, I'm using the definitions used by the IRS at their website. Which ones are you using?

Also, do you have difficulty reading? A learning disability perhaps? The Mudcat homepage clearly states:

"...the Mudcat Cafe and Digital Tradition, both registered non-profit organizations."

That doesn't not state "Not for Profit" does it?

And then, someone named Joe Offer, whose relationship to the site owners is not at all clear to me (is he a fiscal agent? a legal representative/attorney?) states that Mudcat Cafe is a sole proprietorship. Then Dick Greenhaus says Digital Tradition is a non-profit. On the solicitations page, Max Spiegal says:

"I own a company called Onstage Media, Inc. which does nothing less than finance the entire Mudcat operations. Dick finances the Digitrad with his pocket change and an occasional grant. Both Dick and I benefit a great deal from the success of Onstage. One very certain way to benefit The Mudcat and Digitrad is to refer business to Onstage Media, Inc., and its clients. "

There is a thread about bank accounts being set up in foreign countries to funnel money to the Mudcat Cafe. Yet on the solicitation page, it appears as though Onstage Media owns Mudcat Cafe, so where is the money going, to Onstage Media or Mudcat Cafe?

This is just the sort of conflicting information that leads people to suspect there may be fundraising irregularities in regards to non-profit and unrelated business income, which the IRS requires be reported too.

But the most troubling thing to me really is the claim on the homepage that both Mudcat Cafe and Digital Tradition are "registered non-profit organizations." When I looked further into other pages of the website, I found a whole lot of information which contradicts and conflicts with that statement. At best, that is misrepresentation, at worst, it is fraud which is prosecutable in Pennsylvania by the State Dept of Charities.

I don't give a damn how much all of you donate, or how much you love this place, or how right on you think the owners are. I see what I consider some serious discrepancies which are misleading to the public, and possibly fraudulent. Prosecutable? That isn't for any of us to decide. The Pennsylvania Dept of Charities' and IRS enforcement arms are the ones who determine these sorts of things.