The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47525   Message #709472
Posted By: GUEST
12-May-02 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
Subject: RE: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
It bothers me because information about the legal non-profit status of Mudcat Cafe and Digital Tradition is not given in the form of a clearly understandable Solicitation Notice, which is required by IRS law regardless of charitable or non-charitable legal status. The Solicitation Notice law applies to both charitable tax exempt non-profits and non-charitable tax exempt non-profits. See the link to the IRS page previously provided to confirm this.

The Solicitation Notice law requires you clearly and understandably make information available about your legal status as either a charitable or non-charitable tax exempt organization to the public with your solicitations. Mudcat Cafe has a solicitation page which gives information about this legal status which conflicts with the information about the legal status given on the homepage.

That is intentional misrepresentation at best, and fraudulent at worst. And THAT bothers me. It is a consumer rights issue, not a popularity of the website issue.