The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47525   Message #710131
Posted By: Big Mick
13-May-02 - 08:39 AM
Thread Name: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
Subject: RE: Clarification on the Mudcat's financials
I keep tellin' ya, fella's. This poor soul had his/her diaper changed improperly and now looks for ways to validate his/her existence. And shame on you folks for exposing this slugs tactics!!! is this person, and I use the term lightly, going to validate in his/her sick little mind his/her mental superiority if you keep exposing the methods. Never mind that you will have ruined their sex know, Spaw, the one they have when they touch themselves in that spayshul way when folks fall for their simple machinations. Wait..............I just figured it are trying to drive them into a trip to the NYCFTTS................are you getting a bonus on this?????? Are you moonlighting outside of your obligations to LFPS???????
