The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47509   Message #710256
Posted By: Alice
13-May-02 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: Rape
Subject: RE: Rape
Larry, I understand your concern about Bangladesh, but all over the world there are women and children (and some men) raped every minute that goes by. Whether it is political or some other reason, my outrage is for the entire problem on a global scale, for all reasons that rape, murder, coercion, and violence is committed.

You are correct in that the Moslem population rather than the Hindu has a greater prevalence of honor killings. The entire subject of rape, murder and abuse of women just because they are female is a larger issue than political Moslem on Hindu rape, although I understand that you are currently focussed on that. Your question regarding the lack of support of rape victims, though, can be answered by saying that females and the lower castes need better human rights in the Hindu population, too. Hindu culture's treatment of women. quote "... members of the higher castes, and Brahmans in particular, regard it as their God-given right to rape low-born women, particularly Untouchables. The old sacred books containing the laws of Brahmanism, indeed, provide explicit rituals with which upper-caste men can purify themselves after sexual contact with Untouchables." end quote

A link from the UN with more information, on the Muslim topic, On the order of clerics, an 18-year-old woman was flogged to death in Batsail, Bangladesh, for "immoral" behaviour, according to the report. In Egypt, a father paraded his daughter's severed head through the streets shouting, "I avenged my honour."

The report says that "honour" killings tend to be more prevalent in, but are not limited to, countries with a majority Muslim population. It adds, however, that Islamic leaders have condemned the practice and say it has no religious basis.