The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47509   Message #710308
Posted By: Whistle Stop
13-May-02 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: Rape
Subject: RE: Rape
I have to agree with Peg on this, and I admire her for expressing herself as well as she has in the face of some (deliberate?) twisting of her words. It is to Larry's credit that he wrote this song, and I certainly agree with the sentiment behind it; the way that rape is institutionalized, condoned, and in fact celebrated in so many cultures around the world is horrifying and heart-breaking. But Peg's point was not about the message; it was about the way the message was conveyed. And I think she is right that a more artfully constructed, nuanced song might have a greater impact. It involves the audience's intellect and emotions in the communication process to a greater degree than a song which simply seeks to convey a black-and-white message.

I also agree that rape is about both violence and sex; I don't understand why people feel that this has to be an either/or question. At one time it was useful to remind people that rape was a violent crime, but I would hope that most of us recognize that at this stage, and can also acknowledge the sexual aspect. As Peg said, the sexual element makes it a more horrific crime.

I sometimes think it would be nice if people weren't quite so quick to jump on a soap box every time someone expresses an opinion that goes beyond the orthodoxy. In my view, Peg's comments on this thread contributed more to the discussion than a simple cheerleading-type response would have.