The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7307   Message #710348
Posted By: Haruo
13-May-02 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: HYMNS and Folk Tunes?
Subject: RE: HYMNS and Folk Tunes?
Burke, is the Mormon hymn you refer to "Come, come, ye Saints"? If so, I believe it was originally not Mormon, but was widely current when the Mormons were first singing, and was adapted by them and the text revised following the exodus to Deseret. Or wherever it was they exodused to. Zion, y'know. Anyhow, the tune is similar to "All is Well", and the text ends "All is well! All is well!" It's #30 in the 1985 LDS hymnal (which I was blessed enough to pick up for 50 cents a couple months ago), also a Men's Chorus setting at #326. And I think it's in the old Fireside American book, which I don't have but was brought up on.
